The 100th anniversary of Poland's independence in November 1918 is an opportunity to present Poland's most valuable philatelic items which have been preserved since the times of the last Polish kings, through the period of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Kingdom of Poland, the restless times of

winning independence in the second decade of the 20th century, the times of the Second Republic of Poland, occupation and struggle in exile then the initial period of functioning of the Post Office after 1944 and later years.

Today we announce the 2nd update the Gallery of Polish Philatelic Jewels.

The user can find the Gallery in the upper, horizontal strip between the BIBLIOTEKA and O NAS tabs.
Items in the Gallery are presented with a division into: Postage Stamps, Postal Stationary and Entire. In each of these categories, the items are arranged on the axis of time. This means that the items with the earliest date of issue or postal circulation will always be at the top and those with the later introduction to circulation below. Thus, each subsequent update of the Gallery will cause a change in the order in which the items are presented. To this end, so that the user who regularly visits us can easily identify the values added in the latest update, we have decided to mark them with the icon. At the same time, each item can be magnified. To do this, simply click on the value after moving the cursor over it.

We will regularly update the Gallery, we want it to take place at least twice a month. We invite you to visit us and to participate in its creation.